Knights Templar Collar & Collarette Jewels
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Past Grand Commander Knights Templar Commandery Officer Collar Jewel - Gold Metal
5.0 star rating 2 Reviews
Grand Captain General Knights Templar Commandery Officer Collar Jewel - Gold Plated
5.0 star rating 1 Review
Our collection of Knights Templar collar jewels is a symbol of your membership and commitment to the ideals of the Order. Crafted with precision and care, our collar jewels are available in various designs, including the Cross and Crown, the Maltese Cross, and the Cross of Salem. Each collar jewel is made from high-quality metals, such as silver and gold, and is adorned with genuine or synthetic gemstones to provide an exquisite finish. Additionally, all of our collar jewels can be customized with engravings or other embellishments, allowing you to add your commander's name or create a design that reflects your individuality. Our Knights Templar collar jewels are a perfect addition to any regalia set and serve as a proud symbol of your membership in the Order.